Kingdom Hearts 1 Walkthrough Ps2
kingdom hearts 1 walkthrough ps2

Kingdom hearts est un jeu trop bien le 1. Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough and Guide. PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 PlayStation PS Vita PSP. The Gummi Garage shows gamers the ins-and-outs of. Bosses, including Sephiroth, are revealed Complete mini-game coverage of 99 Dalmatians, Jungle Slider, Mushrooms, and many more. BradyGames Kingdom Hearts Official Strategy Guide provides an all-inclusive walkthrough to help players successfully seal all the worlds, and area maps of each world that illustrate all key items.

The following table details the location of all the Torn Pages: Torn Pages Locations WorldKingdom Hearts Walkthroughs. You can discover the Torn Pages in any order the world areas will always unlock in the same order, from Pooh’s House to the Muddy Path. You can examine the Old Book at any time to be magically transported into the Hundred Acre Wood, but you will need Torn Pages to unlock the  ve areas in the world.

I have four total guides for the game, a guide to find the Torn Pages (used to the 100. I cant confirm if they will work on the Ps4 Final Mix version of the game. These guides are made specifically for the Play Station 2 version of Kingdom Hearts.

Not only is Kingdom Hearts a Disney RPG, its a. If you thought a Disney RPG was an unlikely concept to begin with, consider this. Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough & Strategy Guide. The Walkthrough have a rating 1 by 1 our users.Kingdom Hearts PlayStation 2 walkthrough and guide at GameSpy - Check out the latest walkthroughs and guides for PlayStation 2. If you want to return to the Mystical House, examine the compass in the top-right corner.Walkthrough for Kingdom Hearts 2 Playstation 2: as the battle with sepheroth begins,press the triangle. Once in the book, you literally walk across its pages and examine an illustration to enter that section of the world.

Kingdom Hearts 1 Walkthrough PS3 And Also

This takes you back to the Old Book pages, where you can choose a new location to visit. Open the chest for a Mythril Shard.Follow where Pooh left the Meadow. He explains that his friends have begun disappearing, and he is going to need your help to find them all.After Pooh leaves, check inside the log for a green chest. It was released on the PS3 and also includes trophy support.Speak with Pooh. This leads you to the Meadow where you’ll first meet Pooh.Kingdom Hearts Final Mix was one of three games to be re-mastered into HD (the other two being Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (cutscenes only)) under the name Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX.

kingdom hearts 1 walkthrough ps2

STEP 2: THE HUNNY TREEReturn to the Old Book when you find the first Torn Page. Once you complete the minigames for the main storyline, you can return to play them to improve your scores. He explains that each Torn Page opens up another chapter in the book and that you should return to the Hundred Acre Wood after discovering a Torn Page.Note: Each of the Torn Page sections contains a mini-game.

Pooh will hold the balloon and float up to the various tree hollows the higher he floats, the more honey he collects.Bees from the beehives will buzz out, and if they touch the balloon, they will pop it and send Pooh tumbling to the ground.You have three minutes to see how much honey Pooh can collect. Instead, run around the tree and sneak up behind him.You finally get Piglet to calm down, and when Pooh arrives, Piglet brings Pooh a big, blue balloon to play the Hunny Tree mini-game. He won’t let you approach him from the front. He’s very scared of you when you arrive, and Piglet dashes behind the tree to hide.

Plus, the more honey Pooh scoops up, the happier he’ll be!When the mini-game ends, you appear back out on the Old Book pages. If you jump and attack, it’s best to try and land on one of the branches below you so you don’t plummet all the way down to the ground.Get Pooh as high up the tree as you can to score more points. Lock on to the bees as they approach and make sure you swat them with your attack. Don’t move too much or you’ll fall off and have to climb quickly to swat away the bees in time.You can use the Rush command to reach Pooh quickly, but it will cost you 5 points off your score.Watch the closer beehives to see which expels bees.

See the table below for item details: STEP 3: RABBIT’S GARDENThe second Torn Page opens Rabbit’s House. The fawn drops MP balls depending on your max MP, and gives you items based on how often Bambi’s Charge gauge becomes filled. Essential Upgrade: Bambi SummonsRequired MP: 1 Duration of Summon: Max MP x 5 seconds Special Attack: Paradise (no cost) Bambi offers magic and secret items. If this is your final summons, you will also receive Donald’s Lord Fortune. She turns the gem into the Bambi Summons for you. Exit the Old Book temporarily and speak with the Fairy Godmother next to Merlin.

Pooh is stuck and needs your help. Piglet, however, will stop you before you go. Leave the house and head for the exit back to the Old Book pages. When Pooh asks about honey, target the blue honey pot hiding up in the rafters.Rabbit reluctantly offers Pooh some honey, and Pooh sits down for a snack. They are trying to get into Rabbit’s House through the back hole, but Rabbit doesn’t want them to come in.Enter Rabbit’s House and wait for Pooh and Piglet to arrive. You can pull up the pumpkins and lettuce to discover items.Stop by Rabbit’s mailbox for a nice letter from Pooh, then circle around back to speak with Piglet and Pooh.

Tigger will leap up into the air and land on a carrot if he lands on the same carrot twice, it’s lost.In order to stop Tigger from landing on a carrot, you must predict which one he will bounce on and stand over it before he reaches it. If he bounces on the vegetables, you won’t be able to squeeze Pooh out of the hole.In this mini-game you have one minute to prevent Tigger from squashing as many vegetables as you can. However, Tigger bounces into sight and pronounces that Rabbit’s garden is his new bouncing spot.

Step 4: Pooh's SwingOnce you have the third Torn Page, a tree with a swing appears in the lower-right corner of the Old Book pages near the bridge. You return to the Old Book pages and the Torn Page transforms into a Mythril Shard. You push him out of the hole, and your mission is complete. If you are facing in the direction that Tigger is heading, trigger the Rush command to zoom there ahead of Tigger and block him.When the mini-game ends, head inside the house and talk to Pooh. You only need one point to complete the mini-game and continue on with the story.You can rack up high scores by using the Rush command.

kingdom hearts 1 walkthrough ps2

If you do, it shatters apart and you complete the mini-game. Mistime your pushes and Pooh could fly out of the swing too short or too long.Your goal is to hit Eeyore’s makeshift stick house in the distance. Push Pooh exactly when Owl raises his wings. The hungry bear will likely stop for a honey snack along the way.Owl instructs you on how to use the tree swing.

Follow their path exactly to complete the challenge.The third challenge takes you up into the tree. Tigger and Roo make a loop on the stumps in front of the starting stump and then head for the hill. Simply speak to Tigger again to restart.The second challenge gets trickier. Light the sticks with your Fira spell and Pooh gives you Mythril.If you fall off a stump at any point, the challenge ends. You’ll find Pooh huddling in front of the sticks outside his front door he’s cold from swinging too much.

You immediately enter Tigger’s Giant Pot mini-game.Tigger throws nuts at you from the big pot. STEP 6: TIGGER’S GIANT POTTalk to Roo after you complete Tigger’s bouncing challenges. Follow Tigger’s path exactly to complete the challenge.

You can use the lock-on feature to track the nuts better.After the pot shatters, jump inside the remaining stump. If you strike nuts in midair you may score more points per hit, but be careful that your momentum doesn’t carry you off the stump. If you do, run over and talk to Roo to restart the mini-game.A score of 20 or more shatters the pot. Time your swing so that the nut is about a Keyblade’s length from you when you strike it.Stand in the middle of your stump and reposition yourself after each swing so that you don’t accidentally fall off the stump.

Owl will trade you prizes for each Rare Nut you return to him. Collect a piece of Mythril inside.Find Owl and talk to him about the Rare Nuts in the area. Lock onto the middle of the log and cut it in half with a mighty swing.

kingdom hearts 1 walkthrough ps2kingdom hearts 1 walkthrough ps2